TWG is gradually growing with a significant increase in the diverse expansion of staffs and invested fields. Therefore, in order to create sustainable connections at work, communication skills are focused on building, strengthening and developing by TWG leaders.

On September 14,15, 2019, the leadership and the epresentatives of differenet departments within TWG, participated in the "CLEAR COMMUNICATION - EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION" course ledding by Lecturer - Training advisor. Nguyen Thi Kim Khanh

In the training course, employees not only approached the method of having good communication in daily life but also learned how to have effective communication at the workplace such as active listening skills, observation skills... In addition, they were provided special tips to be able to carry a coherent, clear presentation in front of many people.

After 2 days of studying, the participants have been acquired useful knowledge to have successful relationships in work and life through effective communication. This is a strong foundation contributing to the solidarity and harmony among employees at TWG group.