Going through one month of " Reduce - Reuse - Recycle" (3R) project, TGB Preschool has lots of creative recycled products made by the children.
Associating with the support and guidelines from teachers, the children choose the materials they like to make recycled products. Obviously, the children were having a good time making friendly environmental products.
After the project, the children acquired knowlegde about:
• Why do people have to protect the environment?
• Children learn how to classify rubbish (organic, inorganic, recyclable) to dispose of waste in prescribed places. This work can help the cleaning staff do less work as well as make the environment cleaner.
• Here are ways children learned to protect the environment such as planting trees, sorting garbage, littering in prescribed places, recycling, reusing garbage, saving fuel like water, electricity,...
• Here are ways children learned to protect the environment such as planting trees, sorting garbage, littering in prescribed places, recycling, reusing garbage, saving fuel like water, electricity,...

Let's look back at the result gained from "Reduce - Reuse - Recycle (3R)" Project:
To sum up the project, teachers organized 3 games for children, which are “Secret Door”, Roleplaying and Recycled Fashion Show.
• First of all, in the game "Secret Door", the children have to answer 6 questions related to the project that they had learned and practiced throughout one month.

In this game, the teams have more experience after the previous game so it didn't take much time for the preparation. Therefore, after listening to the question, the captain quickly rang the bell to respond their answers.
** Through this game, children learned how to respond quickly and confidently answered questions that are given, as well as help them review the knowledge had been learned.
• With regard to Roleplaying game and Fashion show:
Teachers spent a lot of time preparing recycled costumes for the children to perform. The children were also very happy and actively involved with the enthusiastic guidance of teachers
Specifically, the children gave unique names for each of the costumes based on their creative imagination.

During the fashion show, the children were still embarrassed, but thanks to the encouragement from teachers and other friends, they were performed very well. On the other hand, for younger children, they will experience these interesting games for a short time.

In addition, the baby's funny recycling products are lovely displayed as rockets, trees, houses, binoculars, animals, bicycles, cars, vase...
The older children took the little one visit the exhibition.
** Children also experience the virtual reality model of plastic, so that they will understand more about the shape, size, color of different types of plastic, which pollute the marine environment and bring serious harm to human life.

The amount of plastic waste is increasing rapidly and it takes thousands of years for decomposed.
The children know how harmful plastic wastes are and from now they are aware of limiting the use of plastic to protect their living environment.
The atmosphere of the final day of the project was even more fun with the children's handprints on the picture "Environmental Protection".

After the project, the teacher collected bottle caps for students to use as puzzles. Children can arrange shapes as they like with their creative imagination.

A project has gone through but left many good memories in the hearts of teachers and children. Especially, it is very happy to notice how effectively have the children applied knowledge they learned from the project into daily activities.
After this project, TGB will continue to build a sense of environmental protection for the children while studying at school.
Hopefully, the parents will support their children with more environmental protection activities at home, as small action can bring benefits for our lives and the environment.