On the morning of 9th Lunar New Year (February 2, 2020), TWG Group and its Business Units celebrated the New Year Opening Ceremony.
The BOD and all staff of TWG from HCMC, Long An province, Da Nang city and Ha Noi Capital cheered and admired that joyful day by enjoying unique dragon dance performance, and other interesting activities. Especially, the giving and receiving lucky money from TWG General Director - Le Cao Minh, BOD of the Group and BOD of member companies were seen as the most exciting part. Above all, in 2020, we are joining hands together for achieving all the goals and objectives.
Let’s throwback to interesting moment of that day!
+ At TWG official office

+ At TW Company

+ At TWNorth Company

+ At GCSC Company

+ At LBVietam Construction Company

+ At TWEdu Office

+ At Long An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital