With the commitment of private investors, the health sector has received encouraging signals because a number of large-scale projects have been launched.

The field attracts investors
As the economy grows, the living standard will rise, leading to the demand for more comprehensive healthcare. Therefore, in recent years, many Vietnamese have come to foreign countries for medical examination and treatment, consuming foreign currencies estimated at 2.5 billion USD/year. Although the quality of medical services in the country has gradually improved, in general, it has not met the expectations of the people. In particular, in the context of epidemics, healthcare attention has made the public health system more overloaded.
The Vietnam Report, prepared by the World Bank and Ministry of Planning and Investment, points out that: Total spending on health in the domestic market accounts for about 5.8% of GDP. This index is considered the highest in the region and is expected to remain stable through 2035.
In order to gradually meet the needs of improving the service quality of the health sector, the Government has issued a policy of socialization to encourage private participation in this field, to develop infrastructure to serve people's health care since 2015. Responding to the appeal, after only 4 years there were 206 private hospitals with more than 15,470 beds and over 35,000 private clinics across the country. However, looking at the reality of a country of more than 90 million people and a growing proportion of the aging population, those are still quite modest numbers.
Therefore, private investors - multi industry corporations with the ability to build, exploit and operate a complete hospital project, have identified this as a fertile ground for promoting its strengths.

TWG - Long An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, a typical medical socialization project, is about to go into operation.
More and more private hospital applying technology 4.0
In the past 2 years, a series of private-invested hospital projects such as Xuyen A Tay Ninh General Hospital, Phuong Chau Soc Trang Hospital ... have been built in the South. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic and foreign private investors have started to restart with "huge" capital flows, with a total investment of thousands of billion VND. Those are the projects Van Phuc Hospital - Saigon (Thu Duc District), Hoan My Western Hospital (Tan Phu District) with a design capacity of 350 beds that started construction in late May 2020. In particular, the Long An - Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital with the scale of 500 patient beds, the typical model of medical socialization, has been officially granted operation and exploitation rights to The Technical World Group (TWG) from February 2020.

The new generation MR Ambition S 1.5T MR scanner from Philips does not use X-ray, very safe for Pediatric and Maternity patients equipped at Long An - Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital.
Besides of focusing on developing infrastructure, equipping modern equipment, standardizing criteria for quality control of medical examination and treatment as prescribed by the Department of Medical Examination and Treatment - Ministry of Health (83 Quality Management Criteria hospitals), some private hospitals also aim to achieve ISO quality, criteria in operation management according to international standards such as JCI (USA), AP-HP (France) ...
In the trend of digital transformation of era 4.0, healthcare has not stood out when building a disease prevention system based on digital technologies; Comprehensive application of digital technology at health facilities, both effective treatment and contribution to administrative reform, reduce paperwork for hospital operation management through the use of medical records electronic, payment of hospital fees, help improve the quality of utilities for both medical staff and patients.
According to Mr. Le Cao Minh, General Director of TWG Group - a multi industry group that is involved in many socializing healthcare projects: “Right from the start of implementing projects such as Long An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Hoan My Western Hospital as well as many healthcare projects, the Group has always focused on cooperating with partners that are prestigious healthcare organizations. Shaking hands with AP-HP (France) - a unit specializing in consulting, managing and operating hospitals, Oncocare (Singapore) - cancer treatment center, Metran (Japan) - a company specializing in manufacturing respiratory support devices that invented by Mr. Tran Ngoc Phuc helps hospitals optimize the system of modernizing equipment in diagnosis and treatment of intensive diseases, ensuring the quality of service according to international standards and meeting the needs of people with comprehensive healthcare services at an affordable cost ”.
“We strive to apply advanced digital technologies, software applications in operation management, especially using robots to guide patients and support health workers in infected areas or applying robotic arms at patient beds in order to make it easier to connect the therapist during the process of visiting patients according to the treatment regimen more easily” Mr. Minh added.
One of the typical projects in the application of modern technology of Long An - Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital. The hospital strives to digitize, operate, treat, manage hospital resources through synchronous investment in core systems such as HIS (Hospital Information System), EMR (Electric Medical Records - is the whole medical examination and treatment results of the hospital for 1 patient), LIS (Laboratory Information System), PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System), HRIS links the whole hospital with the processing power of DataCenter system with more than 20 servers in the hospital.
In addition, with the motto of providing quality medical care with clear information, increasing the experience of patients, the hospitals invested by TWG are aiming at “Every customer will always be available on a Mobile Apps application that stores the entire history of medical examination and treatment ”. This application is expected to be first implemented for the Long An Pediatrics and Obstetrics Hospital when it officially comes into operation in the second quarter of 2020. This is also a channel for connecting customers with hospitals such as helping to schedule online visits and interacting with remote doctors, increasing the demand for synchronous utility value for customers when coming to experience in the system of TWG’s Hospital.
Nguồn: https://nhipcaudautu.vn/doanh-nghiep/y-te-tu-nhan-tai-khoi-dong-thi-truong-bang-nhung-du-an-tam-co-3335510/