On 11/11/2020, in Ho Chi Minh City, Technical World Group (TWG) and Children's Hospital 1 has successfully signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), marking their collaboration in two departments: education and health.

Through this cooperation, Children's Hospital 1 will carry out periodic health examinations, guide monitoring of health indicators, and vaccination counseling for children studying at the school system which is developing and operating by TWEDU - a member of TWG. The hospital will also support the training of medical and nutritional knowledge for staff, teachers, and parents of the school.

Overview of the memorandum of understanding
From the school year 2020 - 2021, with the companionship of the Children's Hospital I, seven The Golden Beehive (TGB) schools developed by TWEDU organized two visits for students yearly. This general health check-up package is undertaken by an extremely experienced team of nurses and doctors of Children's Hospital 1. Based on these records, the school will monitor the child's developmental index and coordinate with parents to have the most effective method of taking care of their children's physicality.

Ms. Trinh Thi Tuong Van - TWEDU's Executive Director shared about the importance of working with Children's Hospital 1.

Mr. Le Cao Minh - General Director of TWG Group spoke at the ceremony

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung - Director of Children's Hospital 1 made a speech at the ceremony
Parents will also receive immunization counseling and support for hospital immunization services upon request. The school also pays special attention to developing training programs in medical knowledge, school safety, first aid skills for staff, teachers, and parents.

Leaders of TWG Group and Children's Hospital 1 congratulated the cooperation
The cooperation between the school and the hospital is in line with the direction of care and education towards the three aspects of the child: Body – Mind - Perception. Strengthening medical care from schools will help children have a healthy body, thereby creating a solid foundation for comprehensive development.
Representatives of Children's Hospital 1 and BoDs of TWG Group took the photo with BoDs of TWEDU and doctors
Children's Hospital 1 is also the directing unit of TWG Long An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital operated by TWG +, a member of TWG Group. The close cooperation of a team of highly specialized hospitals in the medical and education sectors of the corporation will help TWG go further on its development journey./.
Media units reported on the event:
Phụ nữ Online: https://www.phunuonline.com.vn/benh-vien-nhi-dong-1-hop-tac-cham-soc-suc-khoe-cho-he-thong-truong-thuoc-tap-doan-twgroup-a1421750.html
Nhịp cầu đầu tư: https://nhipcaudautu.vn/su-kien-doanh-nghiep/ky-ket-bien-ban-ghi-nho-hop-tac-giua-benh-vien-nhi-dong-i-va-tap-doan-twgroup-3338084/
Afamily: https://afamily.vn/twgroup-hop-tac-cung-benh-vien-nhi-dong-1-cham-soc-suc-khoe-toan-dien-cho-hoc-sinh-20201113133258704.chn
Children Hospital 1 Website: http://nhidong.org.vn/tin-tuc-su-kien/benh-vien-nhi-dong-1-day-manh-phat-trien-linh-vuc-cham-soc-suc-khoe-tre-em-lanh-c3-1590.aspx
HCM City Television HTV9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjAwt-nDQXg&feature=emb_title